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Daresbury Parsonage (aka the birthplace of Lewis Carroll)

I thought it'd be fun to add an Adventure category to my blog. Here I'll post travels (new and old) to places that inspire me and I think you may also enjoy! 

decorative well cover at Daresbury parsonage


First up: Daresbury Parsonage, the birthplace of Lewis Carroll (best known as author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ). Early during the pandemic Dave and I found out that we lived fairly close by, so of course we had to pay it a visit!


Information sign about Lewis Carroll and Daresbury Parsonage

The sign above greets you when you arrive off a main road, surrounded by beautiful fields. You then follow this charming little path to the site, with little white rabbits leading your way, of course. It's beautiful, leafy and green, and since no one else was there it felt almost magical! 


Information sign and pretty trail with wooden white rabbit leading to Daresbury Parsonage

At the end of the path is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's (aka Lewis Carroll) birthplace plaque, where the parsonage in which he was born on January 27, 1832, once stood (nine of his ten brothers and sisters were also born at the parsonage!). Charles's father was the vicar for the village's All Saint's Church until 1843; when Charles was 11 years old, he and his family moved on to another parish. 


Lewis Carroll's birthplace plaque 

How beautiful is this well? If you scroll back to the top photo on the page, you'll see the intricate well cover that sits on top. According to the National Trust  it's a dormouse sitting in the tea pot, but for the life of me I can't unsee a tiny teddy bear. Either way, it's cute and gives the whole site a storybook feel - very fitting!


Daresbury Parsonage well


Unfortunately a fire broke out over 100 years ago, burning down the parsonage that once stood here. All that remains is the brick outline that surrounds where the building once stood. 


Lewis Carroll's birthplace, where the home once stood and is now a field of green grass

I have a weakness for gargoyles, so couldn't resist taking a photo of this guy at  Daresbury All Saints Church (yes, the same church where Charles's father was vicar). 


All Saints Church, Daresbury gargoyle

The Lewis Carroll Centre, which is inside the church, was closed when we went, so we'll definitely return soon (and of course, I'll blog about it!).

I highly recommend a visit if you're ever in the area, especially if you're an Alice in Wonderland fan. Regardless, it makes for a lovely stop off and a memorable piece of history!

Head to the Lewis Carroll Centre's website to read more about the author's history and this special place....




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