Sweet Memories and Gram's Sewing Things..
When I was growing up, one of my favourite places to visit was my Gram and Gramps's house. They lived on the other side of the country, so we were only able to every year or two.
My Gram kept a stash of art supplies in their guest bedroom especially for the kids who would visit. I can still remember the thrill of walking in that room and looking for THE can - the big striped one with the plastic top, filled to the brim with crayons. I can still smell those crayons! There was another, a shortbread tin, filled with whatever other art things she had.
Gram enjoyed sewing and was very practical (for instance, making curtains using sheets she'd find on sale). She had all sorts of haberdashery, but sewing was never of interest to me as a young girl, so I didn't remember much.
However, when she passed away I couldn't resist keeping some of her sewing supplies. Having her things near as I create kind of makes it feel like she's always around me...

Plus, I can't resist vintage packaging. I mean, look at that beautiful packaging! They just don't make them like they used to.

I used some of her sewing spools and buttons (did I mention I got a can full of her buttons, too?) during my early days of needle felting many years ago. I made this wee owl in 2011, so my photography and felting skills have hopefully improved since..ha!

There's also this vintage metal advertising ruler that she got (in the '50s?) from Paul's Market in San Bernardino (California). I love it! I've been using it for years - most recently while experimenting with making Putz Houses. Wish me luck! If they're a success you'll see some soon enough...

Is there anything you hold dear from a loved one who's passed?
Take care, friends!