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My Latest Source of Inspiration (it's seen better days, but I couldn't resist!)

Recently I was doing a little window shopping on eBay (for vintage Christmas things, thankfully I'm fairly disciplined when it comes to actually bidding). I came across this vintage Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer book. The opening bid was very low, and obviously it's in rough shape (scribbling on the cover and on several pages, pop-ups are torn, etc), so no one had bid on it. I couldn't resist stalking it and putting a bid in the last minute. It paid off, the book is mine! 

Vintage Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer book


It's the original by Robert L. May, copyright 1939. Of course it's going to have some wear! I know many collectors would turn their nose up at something in such poor condition (well loved), but that's just one more reason I fell in love with it. There's a sweet inscription inside from an aunt to her niece, from 1952. This book was well read and loved. 

Illustrations from vintage Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer book

I love the story itself, but the illustrations and colours really grabbed me. Those gorgeous shades of blue and that cherry tomato red! And the smell. I love the smell of an old book...



Reindeer illustration from vintage Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer book

Of course it inspired me to create my own spun cotton deer! Here's a work in progress shot before he got a bit of color..

work in progress of spun cotton deer

 And complete. :) I was planning on making him very Rudolph-esque, but he wanted to get fancy with a velvet bow and glittery gold jingle bell. Who was I to argue?

spun cotton vintage inspired deer sculpture

I'll list him in the new year - you'll be able to find him in my Christmas collection. 

I look forward to giving this beautiful book pride of place each year at Christmas, but I have a feeling I'll also keep it close during the year while creating for another source of inspiration. I'm so happy that I was lucky enough to give it a home and share it with you!

Happy Holidays, friends! 



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