An Angel Gets Her Wings Back
I've always had a special love for angels. It may be because of losing some of those who were close to me while growing up (the biggest loss being my dad). I even had a collection of angels while in college, and loved reading about them.
I no longer have my collection, but certain angels still draw my eye on occasion.. more so vintage ones these days. Like anything vintage, I always wonder who once cherished an item I now have. Was it a gift and just sat collecting dust..or truly loved because of the special person who gave it to them? Did they buy or make it themselves?
A few years ago ( a few months before the pandemic) I found a sweet little angel by chance...and she was coming home with me! She was in the bottom of a huge old suitcase full of vintage Christmas baubles (now I wish I'd bought them too!) in one of our village's charity shops.
This photo was on our walk home after I'd saved her from that filled case.
She was absolutely glowing - it's like she could breathe again!
She was absolutely glowing - it's like she could breathe again!

Little did she know that her new owner would slack on giving her wings again. To be honest I wasn't sure how I would do so. I certainly didn't feel confident making them from spun cotton.
Here it is, the third Christmas since we've had her and it hit me...the gold Dresden wings I have (and have used on my own spun cotton angels) may work!

And low and behold....*insert angels singing*
They fit her perfectly!

She's still a little patchy where her gold glitter has fallen off through the years, so that's next on the list. But she already looks much happier, don't you think? (Excuse the dull photo, photos during winter in England are very hit or miss!)
You may have noticed the Hark the Herald Angels Sing book that she's standing in front of. It belonged to my Grandma, who got it from her aunt in 1929 (with a lovely Merry Christmas inscription inside!). My mom passed it on to me along with other special family heirlooms. As I've mentioned before, I'm probably one of the most sentimental people you'll meet (she knows how much I cherish anything that's passed down to me!).

Aren't the illustrations gorgeous?

It's very much a treasured addition to our Christmas decor.
You may have also noticed the other little angel standing on the book behind her. She was another charity shop find, but in the USA before I moved here. You can read more about her and a few other favourite Christmas things in my These are a Few of My Favourite Things blog post.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, friends!
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, friends!