Spun Cotton Butterfly Girls for Halloween!
Since my spun cotton butterfly girls this spring were so well received, I couldn't resist seeing what I could do for Halloween!

I already had some German embossed die cut wings (in darker shades for autumn) in my supply stash, so the fun bit was coming up with the little details. I love little details. My girls both got antennae this time, and bandit masks. If you've followed me for a while you know I have a weakness for bandit masks this year. Oh the mystery!
And the spun cotton jack-o-lantern buckets are my tiniest yet. So tiny.

My grey haired girl came to be by chance. I had some leftover grey paint and thought I'd give it a go on her hair since I do everything I can not to waste paint. Worse come to worst, I'd just repaint it if it didn't suit her. Low and behold, I loved it! Side note, she also reminds me of my mom- which makes me smile. :)

Both of these lovelies found homes very quickly, but I'm planning on making some for Christmas and Valentine's Day.
If you'd like to get the first heads up when they're available, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter .
Happy Halloween!