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The Forgotten One....

Sometimes you get so excited talking about your favourite (Christmas) things (see previous blog post), that you forget to talk about ALL of your favourite (Christmas) things! 

And that's what I just did.

Could I have just edited my last post and added this beauty to it? Yes. But the fun of having your own website is that you can do whatever you want - and I want more Christmas posts on my blog. It's as simple as that. Ha! So this was kind of a blessing in disguise..

Anyway, here we go...one more Christmas favourite. 

How beautiful is this postcard?

vintage Christmas postcard with Santa and children

I'm going to be honest with you...I can't remember when/where I bought it! But I've had it for quite a few years and it's another treasured Christmas item with pride of place. 

I know it's not the best picture (dark winter days, ho hum)..so here's what it says:

           A Xmas of Delight to You!
                When Santa Claus comes your way knocking
                Be sure he'll fill your Christmas stocking. 

 As you can see, I love all sorts of vintage Christmas finds. My eye will always be drawn to colourful, kitsch items (especially as they're so inspiring to me and my work)...but there's also something incredibly charming about a Victorian Christmas. <3 


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